Distinguish Your Brand from Your Competitors. It's About Building an Excellent Story Brand.

Client: Star Thai & Sushi, Siesta Key, Fl
Campaign Manager: Chez Boodparset
Brand Manager/Digital Design: Chez Boodparset
Notes: Special thanks to our staff who make everything possible.

Start Thai Sushi Siesta Key GM 2018-2021
My New Role as GM/Head Chef
My Goals & Mission: Collaborating alongside the owners, our staff team and investors, we're working hard to make this restaurant brand to be a place of the newest Asian Fusion restaurant hot spot in Siesta Key Fl. Within a few months, we have hosted many successful event parties in our location, but even these minor events were major exercises in project management. One of the greatest challenges to pulling off a successful event is the overall marketing strategy.
Your unique selling proposition is about building a connection with your consumers. It's not only important, but it also necessary.

Build Experience Out of the Love for Food
As an owner, you have got to know your customers. Your ideal target market will the be key that dictates on almost everything you do. Human, we are social creators. Knowing who our consumer is, is critical when establishing our marketing budget.
"In Brand Marketing, Consumer Is Always a Center of What We Do. A Brand Is a Person. It Is What People Are Saying About You When You're Not There.”

Getting to know your target audience allows your marketing to be finely targeted. Your brand identity should speak to your target market, addressing their specific needs in a language they can relate to. This simple tip can go a long way. Knowing your audience is the first step to building a relationship with them.

Design A Selling Machine Menus to Boost Sales Per Table
Food is a shared experience. There is an old saying that if you can’t find a common topic with a person, then try talk about food! Immediately, notice their eyes will shine and they’ll tell you all about their favorite. As a brand manager, I hold that ideal and value dearly. I also train my staff the same ideology as well.

Star Thai Sushi Siesta Key
Dominating Online Presence Is a Must!
Brand trust is loyalty. Some of the most successful brands are the most relevant brands Brand relevance comes down to trust. It's the fact that our own happiness and well-being are the most important! Sometimes organizers get so distracted marketing their event they forget that the best marketing is the buzz created by attendees who love the event. "The most important part of event marketing is creating a remarkable event.
“There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.” - Sam Walton

Star Thai Sushi Siesta Key
As a host, you're responsible in helping create a sense of uniqueness that your audience can’t miss. Ask yourself...why should they attend your event? Give them a good, tangible reason to come to your event. Focus on the benefits they will get by attending your event, not the features of your event. Remember, authenticity is the top driver of consumer engagement, so make sure your event’s offerings align with your brand to create a lasting impression.

Private Omakasee session
Building Network of An Additional Revenue Sources
What do you offer that customers won't find anywhere else? What can spark a return visit? Is it the food? Your atmosphere? Or is it something else entirely? Again, clearly establish what your brand is all about has the power to increase the value of your business’s product or service by over 20 times.

Star Thai Sushi Siesta Key
Create A Wow Factor Product and Deliverance
By hosting events, you’re exposing your restaurant to new guests who then have a higher chance of coming back, so showcase what makes you unique. Some of the best examples we’ve seen range from a signed cookbook from head chef for every guest to leaving guests with a take-home box of gifts. Remember, authenticity is the top driver of consumer engagement, so make sure your event’s offerings align with your brand to create a lasting impression.

Star Thai Sushi Siesta Key
Via network expansion, we're creating a positive brand experience and restaurant brand loyalty instantly. Our restaurant was able to capitalize on what made us special and created a truly unique experience for our guests.

Star Thai Sushi Siesta Key
There is an old saying... "Every bite takes you home..." I love that ideology so much. It's because food makes us feel good, alive and vibrant. For foodie, in addition to having a full belly, there is something very satisfying about trying new things, being exposed to new color, taste and experience.

At the restaurant, it's rare if I didn't come by each table and introduce myself. To break the ice, often times, I'd bring little gift of our samples, appetizers, cocktail shots or sweet desserts. Then watch the conversations open up. Eating out is a social thing. The majority of social activities involve food. And there is something about eating in social gathering that helps to bring people together.

Designed New Product Menu Items to Wow Consumers
Clearly establish what your brand is all about has the power to increase the value of your business’s product or service by over 20 times. Understanding of consumer needs and behavior to ensure that the services and product lines that fall under their brand resonate with current and potential customers.

As chefs, we're creating a positive brand experience and restaurant brand loyalty instantly. Our restaurant was able to capitalize on what made us special and created a truly unique experience for our guests. Food connects us all. Food connects us to each other, to our own pasts and identities/memories, and nature and its original. Best of all, food connects us to the world around us. Again, eating is a social thing.
Once your target is defined, you can focus on your marketing plan. You will never drive the results you want by focusing all your energies on a single platform. - Chez of LOFT16

Customer Service is At the Heart of the Brand
When it's all said and done, food connects us all. Food connects us to each other, to our own pasts and identities/memories, and nature and its original. Best of all, food connects us to the world around us. Again, eating is a social thing.

Star Thai Sushi Siesta Key
Creating A Purpose-Driven Unstoppable Team
Think about it, consumers who are already enthusiastic about a brand are more likely to continue buying from your restaurant. Loyalty program inspires them to continue to do so. Loyalty program make consumers feel appreciated. Not only do you need loyal employees who care about your business, but you also need loyal customers to keep your business thriving into the future.

Star Thai Sushi Siesta Key
Loyalty signals consumer trust. Customer retention means business growth. In my experience, customer retention is what going to keep your business flowing during slow seasons. - Chez of LOFT16

Food events connect us all. Food connects us to each other, to our own pasts and identities/memories, and nature and its original. Best of all, food connects us to the world around us. Again, eating is a social thing. A customer loyalty program is a program runs by a restaurant or a business that offers benefits to frequent customers. They are structured marketing efforts that reward, and therefore encourage, loyal buying behavior. Those benefits may be in the form of discounts, rebates, free products, or other promotions.
Good Brand Tells Story
As an event manager, you need to delegate work to the people. Trying to do it all by yourself will only take you down. Identify the people around you with the right talents and then assemble your dream team. Finding the right people to work with is half the battle. Clearly establish what your brand is all about has the power to increase the value of your business’s product or service by over 20 times.

"As a General Manager, I'd like to thank to my amazing and talented staff team who made all things possible."- Chez Boodparset

Telling your story is a critical part of building your brand. It helps to shape how people view you and enables consumers to begin forging a connection with you and your restaurant brand. Good brand story begins from its purpose, core values, and mission. In addition, developing an effective your online presence, digital marketing to web design is one way you can get the attention of your potential customers.

For our restaurant, our unique selling proposition is about building connection with our consumers. our unique selling proposition builds trust and opens up conversations. It's a bound. Our unique selling proposition means customer retention. And emotionally connected customers, they buy more often from our business. They visit us more, not to our competitors but to our restaurant. I think, if you're emotionally invested in your customers, and you're building brand relationship with them. Loyal customers feel that their presence means something.
Awards And Achievement Within 3 Years
Best New Restaurant in 2017
Sarasota Best Restaurant in 2018
Top 50 Best Restaurant in 2019
Best Date Night Restaurant in 2019
Best Restaurant Small Business of Venice 2019
Measuring Ratings and Reviews
Overall Customer Satisfaction: 85%+
Repeat Customers: Improved 65%+
Online Engagement: Increased 35%+
Website Visits: Increased 45%+
Online Weekly Orderings: 55%+
"Hi, I'm Chez, a Brand Strategist. I collaborate with restaurant owners, entrepreneurs and startups on building a memorable brand to reach their fullest profit potentials."
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